Alternate Titles For This Blog Post:
What About 30 Is So Scary?
In My Head I’m Already Fifty
We’ll All Get Old, Deal With It
Aversion To Ending Your Twenties Is So Overrated
Thirty Is The Real Adulthood,
People Will Start Taking You More Seriously At Thirty
‘Ain't afraid of the walls, I'm a break 'em
down’ – a line from the song ‘RuleThe World’ by Walk Off The Earth that pretty much sums up how I feel about turning
thirty. While nothing magical really happens when you turn thirty,
I couldn’t help but slipped into a contemplative mode for hitting such a major
This whole growing up thing is comely incredible
even for someone who’s already grown. I think it’s beautiful and
nothing, not even that extra little wrinkle that comes with aging
will ever freak me out. To me, this shift into a new decade is more than just
about looks. It’s not so much about
accomplishments either because when it
comes right down
to what truly matters, nothing beats personal growth.
Thirty is not a seamless age but it’s a fantastic time. There’s an outpour of
self-realizations, noting all of the lessons, trials, triumphs and
breakthroughs I’ve accumulated from the past decade as surge of confidence and
appreciation knocks you and changes everything.
Now newly thirty, what seems scary to me before, it
isn’t anymore. I still haven’t figured everything out entirely, but I’m a heck of
a lot closer than I was at twenty. I think about all the things I thought were a good idea in my twenties
and just cringed so hard with embarrassment, like, ‘why, Anie, why?!’ Yet
the foolishness, frustrations as well as the constant challenges, all helped
define a character, a skill, confidence and patience. I didn’t exactly wake up
with a head full of sage wisdom but there’s an intense
sense of focus and clarity now. The wandering stops,
the restlessness is over, opportunities passed, mistakes are made, the rest are
bs and along the way, you learn to trust yourself more, discerned your calling
and see that time is truly limited. Though I don’t have forever, I certainly
still have the present to allow me to take a path I haven’t yet taken, a better
path that I’m still in good shape to try to take as I finally put the
beautiful, the reckless, naivety of my twenties to rest. After all, I’m thirty
now. I WILL live like it.