Die-Hard Do-It-Yourselfers

Monday, December 12, 2016

Sab and I stared at each other questioningly. In front of us was a box of shiny soft mesh tulle fabric that we're supposed to use for the photo op backdrop. It was February in 2011 and our church have put together a special evening for all the married couples on Valentines day.

I thought, "this can't be that hard, right?" as if asking Sab for an assurance.

Neither of us dabbled with backdrop decorating/designing before and though Sab didn't speak a word, I knew for sure that she was clueless as I was. Funny how we yielded to the little voices that kept thumping on the back of our eye sockets. 

"Go ahead, do it!" it said.

Reluctantly, we pulled, draped, crumpled, pinned and God-knows-what that loathsome tulle fabric we had on our hands, until finally, we collapsed in frustration at the sheer BS of it all. One of our co-teachers at the time came through and singlehandedly worked out something with that very same tulle, in a way we never would've come up with, much to our chagrin. I remember telling Sab I wasn't really cut out for such task because my creativity, or lack thereof, was something that never really shaped up in a form I've dreamed it to be.

"Ya, me too" Sab replied.

Or so we thought.

Teachers Appreciation Day, September 2014
2014 was a turning point for Sab and I as far as backdrop decorating and DIY projects are concerned. We delved instinctively into a field of crafting, somewhat short of knowledge, techniques and skills, just a brimming enthusiasm under our belts. We found ourselves always willing to learn, willing to try, quite open to failure and above all else, we make sure to just enjoy the process of creating.

We, at long last, listened to that voices locked so tightly in the sub-basement of our brains and heed its rational overtures for DIYs... and DIYs we did! Over the course of two years, we managed to push our efforts up as far as somewhere between appalling and the heady heights of 'great'.

Today, Sab and I, collaborate on anything that needs our... uhmmm, expertise {if you may} on school backdrops, classrooms, church events, parties, wall art and/or invitations. It is with great pride to consider ourselves the classic DIYers on a budget. Most of the projects we've worked on are mostly recycled. We utilize whatever materials we have on hand. Internet is an abundant source of ideas and inspirations and we try our very best to infuse our own touch into what we are working on and often get surprising results. 

Mother's Day at KA, May 2014
Glam photo session, October 2014

School benefit performance, January 2015
Wedding invitation, June 2015
Hall passes inspired by the Brown Bag Teacher, July 2015 
National Language Month, August 2015
Paper fan medals, August 2015
Batman-themed birthday party, September 205
Teachers Appreciation Day, September 2015 
Vintage-ish photo session, October 2015
Faux fireplace beta, December 2015
Easter Sunday at KA, March 2016
Lady bug paper fans and banner, May 2016
Frozen-themed party, August 2016
Our take on A Beautiful Mess' giant snow flake marquee
Let me preface this entire post by expressing some truth though. We're not the best DIYers. In fact, we recall some of our projects and contemplate 'No, guys. Just no'. However, similar to some things, we've bolstered up with time, if I may say so myself... something we never thought we're capable of doing, to be honest, had we not tried.

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