Something I Held

Monday, December 03, 2012

One morning inside my K2 class, one of my students, asked me something that completely threw me off my seat.

Miss Anie, are you smart?” the little boy asked inquisitively.

"Uh, hmmm" I hesitated and finally said,  “Sweetheart, I just read a lot” and thought how vague my answer was.

He then turned to me with his 1000 mega-watt smile and sweetly said, I think you are smart, Miss Anie.

Instantly, my heart burst with so much cheerfulness and gave the kind boy a quick hug and a pattypat on the back.

I am not afflicted with false modesty when I gave my answer to my student. I like to think I'm smart but the truth is, I just read a lot and fell completely in love with it in the long run. The possibility of a world without books is, honestly, frightening and this is why I seize the opportunity I have to actually sit down and devour one. I have no particular preference when it comes to genre, switching things up from time to time is something I like to do. From classic lit, mystery, romance, fiction, non-fiction, history, to audiobook, ebooks, paperbacks and hardbound, you name it! When two of my high school best friends, Sheila and Kristina, whose love for books knows no bounds, suggested the much talked-about novel, Fifty Shades of Grey, I swiftly got myself an audiobook and finished the trilogy in a wink. Some expressed their disapproval because I’ve read such material {whose erotic contents I thought was too much for my Maria Clara upbringing but really has nothing on Anne Rice's The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty}  but then I’ve also read the 7 Harry Potter books and religiously follow The Southern Vampire Mysteries series.

Truth is, I read novels because it is thrilling to know that after just a chapter or two, you're not in your bedroom anymore. Novels allow me to travel through other people’s thoughts and ideas, simultaneously helping me come up with my own views whilst increasing my intellectual thinking and keeping my vocabulary sharpBut, with that being said, at the end of the day, there’s only one reading material that I authorize to fully shape and nourish my spirituality… THE GOOD BOOK. I plant it in my heart as it boosts my faith and feeds my spirit for the strength I need to overcome everything in the world.

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